Tennis Study Sheet
In class we are learning skills and concepts related to net/wall games. The Net and wall games we are starting with are Tennis and Volleyball. Please read the rules of the game so that we may more easily attack learning the concepts through gameplay during class.
Basic Rules of Tennis!
Tennis basic scoring system is points; It takes 4 points to win a game; It takes 6 games to win a set and it takes either 2 or three sets to win the match.
The tennis point is scored when an opponent is unable to return a legally played ball or when the opponent is unable to serve the ball legally. The game is played to four, but, because tennis people are a little off, they do not use the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Instead they use a much easier system of counting: Love is 0 points, 15 is for 1 point, 30 is for 2 points, 40 is for three points, and game represents the 4th winning point. To make matters more simple, the games must be won by two points and when the score is tied 40-40 (3 points to 3 points) it is said to be a duece situation. This is wierd. I am sorry, however, I am not Claude Von Tenis' or whoever the game was named after, and thus cannot change the rules.
The Line is in. In football and basketball the line is out, howver, in tennis the Line is in.
These are the basics that we need to know right away. If you are in the tennis class please google tennis rules and list one other rule of the game or skill associated with this wacky game.
For those participating in Volleyball
There are two basic types of knowledge we want you come away with. The first is about game knowledge, which are the rules and proceedures that make games work, such as starting and restarting play, boundries, and violations. The second is in game knowledge, these include the skills and movements related to game play.
In class we will be working on in game knowledge. For your blog, I want you to take care of the about game knowledge and write one rule or proceedure that makes a game of voleyball work. The rules of volleyball change constantly so make sure your rules are up to date
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