Badminton Rules and Regulations
A badminton match is played to the best of three games. Rock-Paper-Scissors determines first serve or choice of side. The object of a badminton game is to hit the badminton shuttlecock over the badminton net and onto the ground within bounds on your opponent's side of the court. A rally can also be lost by hitting the shuttle into the badminton net, out of bounds, before it crosses the net to your side, or if it strikes your clothing or body rather than your badminton racket.
Badminton Scoring Formats
In class we will utilize rally play; 21 points are needed to win a badminton game.
In rally play, a point can be awarded to either team, and in most cases, a point is awarded along with resumption of service, except when a rally point is lost by the first member of a serving doubles team.
At the conclusion of each badminton game, players or teams must switch sides. If a third game is necessary during a match, sides are switched during that game when a player/team has reached eight points in doubles or men's singles, six points in women's singles, or 11 points in rally play.
Badminton Serving Rules
As in tennis, badminton service is always done diagonally, e.g. from the right service court to the opponent's left service court. The first serve is always taken from the right court, and subsequent serves are taken from alternating sides.
Line shots in badminton service or rallies are considered in, though court bounds are different for singles and doubles play. The back line is the same for both, but singles badminton is played with the narrower of the two sidelines.
A serve that strikes the net and lands in the opponent's court is a let serve and is retaken. During service, players must stand in their respective service courts. The receiving player is not permitted to move his/her feet until the badminton shuttlecock has been struck. The highest part of the serving player's badminton racquet must remain below his/her hand and waistline during service. In other words, only underhanded serves are permitted.
For your blog for this week. Tell me one thing you learned about badminton that you did not know before reading this blog.
P.S. The rock/paper/scissors thing I made up it is not an official badminton
I did not know that a A serve that strikes the net and lands in the opponent's court is a let serve and is retaken.
-Jordan Gutierrez
One thing that i learned from this blog was that 1 person from each team do rock, paper, scissors to decide who serves first.
-Kevin Ross
Something I learned that I didn't know before about badminton was that the "ball" in badminton is called a "shuttlecock." I always thought it was called a birdie. Another thing that I learned from this is that the players use rock-paper-scissors in order to determine who serves the ball first. I thought they used a rally first and the person who wins that rally gets to serve.
-Christopher Chan
I learned how the scoring works in badminton after reading this blog post. I also learned that it is played two out of three.
Bryce Weisberger
I learned that 21 points are needed to win a game, and that the ball is called a "shuttlecock" and not a birdie.
-Abby Stauffer
How your opponent to your left has to return the serve
Chris Wu
Something new that I learned from this reading was that you have to serve diagonally. I just realized that I've been serving wrong in all my games. :]
~Ruth Wang
Something I learned about badminton is that sides are switched during the third game of the match when a player/team has reached eight, six, or eleven points, depending on whether it is a doubles or men's singles, women's singles, or a rally play.
I didn't know that teams have to switch sides after each match
-Ryan Taylor
i didn't know Rock-Paper-Scissors determines first serve or choice of side.
alyssa hochberg
i did not know that if a serve is always done diagonally.
Uh Mr Kirk I play basketball during 5th period. So a couple of things i learned was to pass the ball inside to get the easier shot and also to drive at the basket when u have an open lane.
I learned that when you play singles badminton you have narrower sidelines.
-Amber Chen
Im in basketball but i didn't know that the thing you hit was called a shuttlecock.
Randy Steinberg
I learned that the receiving player is not permitted to move his/her feet until the badminton shuttlecock has been struck.
Daniel Hamburg
I did not know that rock-paper-scissors determines the team which serves first.
Charles Sheung
Something I learned was that there needed to be 21 points to declare a winner.
Suzy Mejia Buenano
what i learned from this photo was that one person from each team had to do rock-paper-scissors to decide who serves first.
-Christopher Chan
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