Great SEO Advice for CrossFit Gyms
3 years ago
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Form is important becuase it is the basis of weight training.
Good form allows us to get the most out of an exersize while minimizing risk of injury. Without form, we would do excersize that may only be doing harm to the body, which is not our goal.
The more time we spend on Form, the more we will get out of our workouts.
-Mitchell Levy
We focus so much time on form because incorrect weight training technique can lead to sprains, strains, fractures and other painful injuries that may hut our weight training and athletic efforts. Good form is important so we can achieve the most muscular strength within our bodies without getting injured.
Taylor Van Neste
Form is the single most important part of weight training. We begin working with lighter weights to get the form down because if poor form carries over to heavier weights, the potential for injury increases dramatically. Often times, performing a lift to the standard with slightly less weight when you cannot keep proper form with heavy weight is the way to go. In addition, with repetition, the body gets used to going through the same motions and the movement becomes easier to perform.
-Jack Corbett
Form is important because without proper form injuries occur. Form is also important because it allows people to lift more and be more efficent.
Philip Stoeber
Form is important because form is the base for all weight lifting. Form helps prevent injuries and helps create more effective workouts. Form becomes most important during extremely heavy lifts and metcons. By maintaining good form, you are benefiting more and are a much more effective lifter.
- Jon Cohen
Form is key to getting the best results when working out. By having perfect form, you are less likely to have injuries in the future and prevent injuries during the workout. Good form gives less stress on your muscles
-Steven Rubin
Form is important because it helps us reduce the amount of injuries we receive. The amount of weight you use does not matter and is different for everyone but good form is required for everyone. Also, good form helps us get the most out of every exercise.
-Jae Young Kwak
Form is important because with incorrect form there is a higher possibility of injury. Also form is important for acquiring the results we wish to see. If we have poor form then that means the exercise is not as efficient and so the gains that we see will be diminished.
-Stephen Chen
Form is improtant because it protects us from potential injuries. With impropper form, the muscles do not get the full workout so good form also helps to give you your intended results.
-Sam Zacks
Proper form helps us to get the greatest benefit (gaining the most strength and athleticism) out of an exercise without putting any unnecessary, or potentially harmful, strain on our body.
-Dimitri Koutzoumis
We spend so much time on form with lighter weights to prevent injurys as we progress into higher weights.
- David Sureff
We are spending so much time focusing on form for two reasons. One- to get our minds used to doing the right motion. Often, proper form is the hardest thing to do. And naturally our bodies want to perform workouts in a way that disperses the effort throughout our body. We use proper form so that when we lift, we can focus our workout on certain parts of the body instead of the body as a whole. Secondly, good form prevents injury. With improper form, it is easier to pull a muscle, slip a disk, pinch a nerve, etc. using high or even low weights.
-Kyle Cross
Good form is important because without it you increase your chances of getting hurt and you dont get the results you desire.
-Jason Cameron
Form is the most essential thing when it comes to weightlifting. When a person does a certain type of lift using improper form, then they are not bennefitting from that lift. One needs perfect form to efficiently tear muscle fibers which in turn creates muscle growth.
-Max Yavener
We spend so much time on form because incorrect form will lead to injuries. Also correct form will help you get stronger faster. Also some forms on our lifts correspond to motions or positions on the playing field, so correct form will help increase your level of play.
-Mitch Rampp
without good form injuries are more likely to occur and it makes your workouts much more efficient
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