Thursday, December 13, 2007

Period 2 Blog #10

Please create a test question that deals with our class. Write the question and answer it in complete sentences.

The question can deal with anything that we have worked on in class since the start of the semester!

5 points possible:

2 points for a great question on topic (a good question receives 1 point, a sorry question receives 0)
3 points for a great answer to your question (a good answer recieves 2 point, a sorry answer receives 1 point, no answer receives 0 points)

Period 5 Blog # 10

Please create a test question that deals with our class. Write the question and answer it in complete sentences.

The question can deal with anything that we have worked on in class since the start of the semester!

5 points possible:

2 points for a great question on topic (a good question receives 1 point, a sorry question receives 0)
3 points for a great answer to your question (a good answer recieves 2 point, a sorry answer receives 1 point, no answer receives 0 points)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Period 2 Blog # 9 Tennis/Volleyball

Tennis Study Sheet

In class we are learning skills and concepts related to net/wall games. The Net and wall games we are starting with are Tennis and Volleyball. Please read the rules of the game so that we may more easily attack learning the concepts through gameplay during class.

Basic Rules of Tennis!

Tennis basic scoring system is points; It takes 4 points to win a game; It takes 6 games to win a set and it takes either 2 or three sets to win the match.

The tennis point is scored when an opponent is unable to return a legally played ball or when the opponent is unable to serve the ball legally. The game is played to four, but, because tennis people are a little off, they do not use the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Instead they use a much easier system of counting: Love is 0 points, 15 is for 1 point, 30 is for 2 points, 40 is for three points, and game represents the 4th winning point. To make matters more simple, the games must be won by two points and when the score is tied 40-40 (3 points to 3 points) it is said to be a duece situation. This is wierd. I am sorry, however, I am not Claude Von Tenis' or whoever the game was named after, and thus cannot change the rules.

The Line is in. In football and basketball the line is out, howver, in tennis the Line is in.

These are the basics that we need to know right away. If you are in the tennis class please google tennis rules and list one other rule of the game or skill associated with this wacky game.

For those participating in Volleyball

There are two basic types of knowledge we want you come away with. The first is about game knowledge, which are the rules and proceedures that make games work, such as starting and restarting play, boundries, and violations. The second is in game knowledge, these include the skills and movements related to game play.

In class we will be working on in game knowledge. For your blog, I want you to take care of the about game knowledge and write one rule or proceedure that makes a game of voleyball work. The rules of volleyball change constantly so make sure your rules are up to date

Period 5 Blog # 9 Volleyball

There are two basic types of knowledge we want you come away with.

The first is about game knowledge, which are the rules and proceedures that make games work, such as starting and restarting play, boundries, and violations. The second is in game knowledge, these include the skills and movements related to game play.

In class we will be working on in game knowledge. For your blog, I want you to take care of the about game knowledge and write one rule or proceedure that makes a game of voleyball work. The rules of volleyball change constantly so make sure your rules are up to date.

Period 7 Blog # 7

Monday, November 12, 2007

Period 2 Blog # 8 Football

In touch football, like basketball, their are certain skills that lend themselves to certain postions on the field. The object of the game is to get the ball down the field to score. Assigning the right position to each player will make this job easier.

Quarterback - Good under pressure, can make quick decisions, nice throwing arm.
Wide Reciever - Fast person with nice ability to catch.
Tight End- Good at catching short passes doesn't need to be superfast.
Center - Must be willing to touch the ball on every play. Doesn't need to be superfast but has good hands.
Runningback - Is agile. Has ability to cut back and forth and make people miss the tackle through dodging and finding the open lane.

Please assign positions to your team and yourself.

Period 5 Blog # 8 Football

In touch football, like basketball, their are certain skills that lend themselves to certain postions on the field. The object of the game is to get the ball down the field to score. Assigning the right position to each player will make this job easier.

Quarterback - Good under pressure, can make quick decisions, nice throwing arm.
Wide Reciever - Fast person with an ability to catch.
Tight End- Good at catching short passes doesn't need to be superfast.
Center - Must be willing to touch the ball on every play. Doesn't need to be superfast but has good hands.
Runningback - Is agile. Has ability to cut back and forth and make people miss the tackle through dodging and finding the open lane.

Please assign positions to your team and yourself.

Period 7 Weight Training Blog # 6 Goals

Please create realistic goals that you think we may be able to reach by the end of the semester. Remember there are only seven full weeks left in the semester!

Bench Press:
Power Clean:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Period 2 Blog #7 Your Turn

We have been working on Maintaining Possesion of the ball, Attack Space and Defending Space through gameplay! We have found that all invasion games are basicly the same with different skills, same concepts.

I would like you to create your own invasion game. Please name it, talk about what kind of equipment we will need and 3 rules that make it different from other sports. Please make sure your game is fun as well!

Period 5 Blog #7 Your Turn

We have been working on Maintaining Possesion of the ball, Attack Space and Defending Space through gameplay! We have found that all invasion games are basicly the same with different skills, same concepts.

I would like you to create your own invasion game. Please name it, talk about what kind of equipment we will need and 3 rules that make it different from other sports. Please make sure your game is fun as well!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Period 2 Blog #6 What about the Refs?

What are the roles and responsibilites of the Ref Squad and how can they be graded fairly by the participating teams? Do you like the role of referee? Explain why or why not
It is very important to consider the situation after a game. Usually, a team feels there has been a bad call. The grading of the refs needs to be such that, even if a team is unhappy about a call they can still give the points fairly. Refs should not be penalized for making a tough call.

Period 5 Blog #6 What about the Refs?

What are the roles and responsibilites of the Ref Squad and how can they be graded fairly by the participating teams? Do you like the role of referee? Explain why or why not
It is very important to consider the situation after a game. Usually, a team feels there has been a bad call. The grading of the refs needs to be such that, even if a team is unhappy about a call they can still give the points fairly. Refs should not be penalized for making a tough call.

Period 7 Weight Training Blog #5 Motivation

I came across the following quote and it made me think of 7th period

Acquiring the spirit necessary to win, which includes a positive acceptance of pain is difficult in a society where comfort is more highly regarded than capacity, where genuine physical fitness is the norm for less than 15% of the population. A visit to any normal gym that is open to the public offers an idea of what modern society thinks it means to be fit; magazines are read while "running" or "biking," weights are lifted by isolated muscles, often in a seated position, intensity is distinctly lacking, and "aerobics" classes are nothing more than jumping jacks set to music. Modern fitness is defined by appearance rather than actual horsepower. A training environment contaminated by this attitude cannot produce superior fitness, physical or mental. Mark Twight

Answer the following questions,
What does the quote mean to you?
What motivates you?
Why did you sign up for this class?
What is going to be your effort level going forward?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Period 2 Soccer/Floor Hockey

Overload is a principle in fitness that helps make us stronger!

The Overload Principle is putting increased stress or load on the body in order to stimulate a training adaptation (increase in strength or endurance). In order for this increase in strength or endurance to occur, we need to work.

Since you are earning a grade for overloading your body each Tuesday & Thursday, what are some things, I as the teacher, should look for to see if you are overloading your body?

Period 5 Soccer Blog #5

Overload is a principle in fitness that helps make us stronger!

The Overload Principle is putting increased stress or load on the body in order to stimulate a training adaptation (increase in strength or endurance). In order for this increase in strength or endurance to occur, we need to work.

Since you are earning a grade for overloading your body each Tuesday & Thursday, what are some things, I as the teacher, should look for to see if you are overloading your body?

Period 7 Weight Training Blog #4

"Why would a lifter find it advantageous to intentionally or deliberately avoid using a major group of muscles that obviously make an important contribution to a lift?" Rippetoe 2007

This quote was taken from the article Bad Form we read in class. Explain why the question was asked, and answer the question.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Period 2 Invasion Review Blog #4

We are in our Invasion Games Unit! An Invasion Game is a sport where two teams are attacking each others goal or area (basketball, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, football etc...).

We are learning different concepts of invasion games and have been using basketball as a means of acquiring understanding.
We have concentrated on 3 concepts:
Attacking the Goal
Creating Space/Using Space
Defending the Goal.

Please list some of the things that we have practiced in basketball to "Attack the Goal" or to "Create Space/Use Space" or to "Defend the Goal". After you have listed an activity/drill/game and what concept it works on, relate how this invasion game concept works with floor hockey/soccer, our next unit.

This entry is worth 5 points. You will get one point for each of the following parts to your entry:
Specific drill or game
Concept worked on
How the concept relates to Soccer/floor hockey
Sentence use.
First and Last name in the entry!

Period 5 Invasion Review Blog #4

We are in our Invasion Games Unit! An Invasion Game is a sport where two teams are attacking each others goal or area (basketball, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, football etc...).

We are learning different concepts of invasion games and have been using basketball as a means of acquiring understanding.
We have concentrated on 3 concepts:
Attacking the Goal
Creating Space/Using Space
Defending the Goal.

Please list some of the things that we have practiced in basketball to "Attack the Goal" or to "Create Space/Use Space" or to "Defend the Goal". After you have listed an activity/drill/game and what concept it works on, relate how this invasion game concept works with floor hockey/soccer, our next unit.

This entry is worth 5 points. You will get one point for each of the following parts to your entry:
Specific drill or game
Concept worked on
How the concept relates to Soccer/floor hockey
Sentence use.
First and Last name in the entry!

Period 7 Weight Training Blog #4

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Period 7 Weight Training Blog #3

We have a new rule for our weight room!
If the spotter touches the bar, or declares your form poor the rep does not count and the set is over. The set needs to be redone with a lighter weight.

Please provide one rule that you would like to have in the weight room for safety, form, or general good practice.

Period 5 Blog #3 Teams and Roles

Team positions. A basketball team has five players that play five different postions.

1. A "1" is the point guard. This person is the best dribbler and passer. This person brings the ball down the court and has the best chance of maintaining possesion of the ball if pressure is put on.

2. A "2" is the shooting guard. This person has the best shot on the team. You want this person to shoot the ball for you the most.

3. A "3" is the small forward. This person is a pretty good at shooting and rebounding. They will cut through the lane and be a threat.

4. A "4" is the power forward. This person is a great rebounder and will spend most of the time with their back to the basket, or playing in the post. They will take close shots and look to rebound every ball.

5. A "5" is the center. This person is usually the tallest person on the team and specializes in shot blocking and rebounding. On offense, they are like the power forward and play close to the basket.

Please look at your team and assign the players on your team a role or position as described. Put the number next to their name from 1-5 and put yourself last with whichever number you think you will fit into and why.

Beastly Ballers

Maddy Averill
Alexander Basta
Nathan Dickey
Sam Reiswig
Erica Sklaver
David Harvey


Lauren Cook
Julia Farkas
Roberta Foster
Derek Jensen
Adam Kravitz
Nina Rosenberg

The Yiwen's

Yiwen Feng
William Butts
Earl Lee
Morgan Mayes
Kevin Yan
Justin Ulisney

Lima Beans

Sherry Liu
Michelle Chen
Joshua Kim
Joseph Lima
Michael May
Sarah Sampliner

Skillz That Kill

Angela Lopez
Kevin Gao
Louis Pardo
Rachel Soberman
Hassaan Yousufi
Helena Farhi

Esgar's Emperial Force

Josephine Wu
Sam Halem
Alison Mcrea
Esgar Roque
Kevin Yang

Monday, September 17, 2007

Period 2 Post #3 Team and Roles

The teams have been selected! Please take a moment and look at your teams!
Team positions. A basketball team has five players that play five different postions.

1. A "1" is the point guard. This person is the best dribbler and passer. This person brings the ball down the court and has the best chance of maintaining possesion of the ball if pressure is put on.

2. A "2" is the shooting guard. This person has the best shot on the team. You want this person to shoot the ball for you the most.

3. A "3" is the small forward. This person is a pretty good at shooting and rebounding. They will cut through the lane and be a threat.

4. A "4" is the power forward. This person is a great rebounder and will spend most of the time with their back to the basket, or playing in the post. They will take close shots and look to rebound every ball.

5. A "5" is the center. This person is usually the tallest person on the team and specializes in shot blocking and rebounding. On offense, they are like the power forward and play close to the basket.

Please look at your team and assign the players on your team a role or position as described. Put the number next to their name from 1-5 and put yourself last with whichever number you think you will fit into and why.

Olivia Ekpone
Victor Chen
David Lokshin
Anna Tragotsi
Tanvi Jain
Joseph Kobylski

Team #2
Ashwin Ravi
Jashai Rowe
Max (Sam) Summerlin
Tessa Urovsky
Eddie Zhang
Garret Schaffel

Team #3
Jeffrey Hillanbrand
Jen Purisch
Devin Goodman
Frank Liu
Gerasimos Maroulis
Brian McGrattan

Team #4
Julia Anderson
Alison Lynch
Lauren Millikin
Daniel Trujillo
Shawn Wang
Teja Ghias

Team #5
Jimmy Gam
Janice Luo
Alex Xu
Geoff Bogan
Brian Young
Mike Denoon

Team #6
Alex Cho
Jessica Mejia
Federico Salas-Vega
April Kwan
Pavan Rangachar
Eray Wang

Team #7
Christopher Chang
Leke Fontava
Michale Tang
Iris Cheng
Hugo Coimbra
Joshua Leshner

Team #8
Robert Chen
Kyle Murdock
Angela Yang
Julianna Bond
Michael Castelli
Tai Lin Wu

Team #9
Emily Bolek
Kyle Oakes
Meredith Berman
Russell Brown
Noah King
Erin Twardochleb

Team #10
Min-Ju Cho
Daniel Haber
Austin Johnson
Noah Rabin
Maria Sharova
Anagha Sridhava
Justin Ulisney

Team #11
Sam Kasraii
David Na
Jean Luc Bosset
Bree Devries
Sonam Kalaria
Anna Pikalova
Joseph Shi

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Period 2 Next Steps

Next week we will be selecting teams for the Invasion Games Unit. Our procedure for selecting teams is like the NBA Draft.

The instuctors act like the Commissionsers of the league and have final say in league operations and will select "Franchise Owners" that are in charge of selecting teams from a list of "Free Agents". Franchise Owners are also players on the team.

When they select teams they will go away from the group and be given a draft order number. They will select in there order going 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and then back down 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, with 8 picking first in the second round. The draft order continues to snake until all athletes have been selected(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6...).
This is done away from the group so that no external pressures are put upon the Franchise Owners.

What are the benifits to selecting like this? What are some potential problems? Should there be trades in the season? Are there any things you would like to add to this procedure?

Period 5 Next Steps

Next week we will be selecting teams for the Invasion Games Unit. Our procedure for selecting teams is like the NBA Draft.

The instuctors act like the Commissionsers of the league and have final say in league operations and will select "Franchise Owners" that are in charge of selecting teams from a list of "Free Agents". Franchise Owners are also players on the team.

When they select teams they will go away from the group and be given a draft order number. They will select in there order going 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and then back down 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, with 8 picking first in the second round. The draft order continues to snake until all athletes have been selected
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6...). This is done away from the group so that no external pressures are put upon the Franchise Owners.

What are the benifits to selecting like this? What are some potential problems? Should there be trades in the season? Are there any things you would like to add to this procedure?

Advanced Weight Training Period 7

This week we are maxing out to find our 1 rep max strength. Starting next week you will be starting your workouts to increase strength. The workout schedule for the next 4 weeks will be as follows:

Workout A Squat - 3 sets of 5 repititions (not inclucing warm-up sets)
Bench Press - 3 X 5 (this means 3 sets of 5 repititions - not including warm-up sets)
Deadlift - 1 X 5 (this means 1 set of 5 repititions - not including warm-up sets)

Workout BSquat - 3 X 5
Press - 3 X 5
Dumbell Swings - 3 X 10

We are going to be doing these workouts Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, rotating the workouts(for example Monday = Workout A, Wednesday = Workout B, Friday = Workout A, Next Monday = Workout B).

On Tuesday and Thursday we will be working on Form, Strength Concepts, or Active Rest activities. Since we are just begining, each workout it is essential for you to make a strength gain. I expect your strength to increase with each workout! We need to be able to measure this progress!

What are some ways that we will be able to show that you are increasing in strength each workout? What are some things we need to do to ensure your are increasing strength with each workout?