Thursday, March 13, 2008

Period 5 Blog # 6 Intensity

Last blog we talked about the FITT principle. Of the four elements of the FITT principle, intensity is the most often overlooked and in my somewhat expert opinion the most important. We know intensity means how hard you are working out, but how do we measure that? We are going to experiment with a method called RPE or Rate of Perceived Exertion.

RPE may be the most versatile method to measure exercise intensity for all age groups. This rating relies on how hard you feel you’re exerting yourself during exercise.

The scale rates how you feel (both physically and mentally) as it relates to the intensity level. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, with the recommended RPE of 5-7 for most adult workouts. This means that at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working “somewhat hard”, nearing “hard”. Using the RPE works well because it is individualized based on your current fitness level and overall perception of exercise.

1 Rest
2 Very light
3 Light
4 Fairly light
5 Somewhat hard
7 Hard (heavy)
8.5 Very hard
9.5 Extremely hard
10 Maximal exertion

For your blog this week I want you to think about some of the drawbacks to using this method of measuring intensity in a workout. List one of the drawbacks in your response and explain your reasoning.


Anonymous said...

The drawbacks for the RPE method is that each workout is different. For example, i do swimming and diving, each i can put in the same amount of effort but get a different result from the workout. This is the reason the RPE is a good but flawed way to judge a workout.

Bryan Doremus

Anonymous said...

well really when i am feeling up to it which is rarley in school i go super intense (level 11)
the draw backs is that you tell yourself how intense you are going
well you cant grade yourself because you always think you are doing better or worse then you actully are and everyone has a different opinoin on what is fast or not-Dr. Mr. Harvey (grear )

Anonymous said...

Everyone will have a different perception of how "hard" their fitness is. Also, some people may just feel tired one day and judge their workout as 10 even though they do not have that hard of a workout.

David Wan

Anonymous said...

The RPE differs between workouts. The workouts could be simple weight lifting to a pumped up mile running. Efforts and energies differ within each workout therefore creating different kinds of results. It will either be easy or intense, drawbacks tell you how hard you're working.
April Li

Anonymous said...

everyone has a different opinion on what is intense or not. this leads to much easier or much harder workout for different people

Peter Dunlop

Anonymous said...

I think my RPE is 8.
One of my drawbacks is doing things I don't like doing(Fitness Days). It just makes me not want to work. But if we are focusing on a sport then a work more.

Max Summerlin

Anonymous said...

The drawbacks for the RPE method is that it's hard to controll each steps and make feel more tired. I usually exercise with jumprope but it's too hard to continuing. If i follow RPE method for jumprope, i feel more tired because there aren't any rest during RPE method.

Younhee seo

Anonymous said...

The intensity of each person's workout is different. The type of workout and the length of the workout effects the results of a person's muscular strength/endurance. The drawbacks depends on what type of excercise you are doing for how long.

~*Vivian Sung*~

Anonymous said...

my definition of hard may be different from yours. I may say that I am pooped out, while someone else may say that they're just a little tired. Although the scale is personalized to each individual, the definitions of the terms used are not standardized, so this is a major drawback of the ___ method (i cant remember the name).


Anonymous said...

The drawbacks for RPE are that you can try to set a goal for what number on the scale you want to push for, and you'll get there, but you'll limit yourself from going any farther in that workout. For example if I am running and pushing to go faster and longer, I will get to that point but then I won't want to go past it to get an even better workout.

Victor Konen

Anonymous said...

depending upon your opinion of whats a full out workout and whats a light and somewhat fululling workout will determine how hard you work but if you only push yourself to the goal you set you`ll stick to a regular set routine and wont get you're highest possible result

Ryan Carlough

Anonymous said...

The RPE changes on how hard you work for different workouts. When I go biking, it is less workout than when I run track such as 3 miles. But the RPE could also be different for running depending on how long u take to run whatever distance it is. Drawbacks depend on what type of excercise your doing and how long it is.

Anonymous said...

On of the drawbacks for the rpe method is that it doesn't show if you used it different as if you did more reps at different times. Also sometime you go easy and sometimes you work harder one day