Last blog we talked about the FITT principle. Of the four elements of the FITT principle, intensity is the most often overlooked and in my somewhat expert opinion the most important. We know intensity means how hard you are working out, but how do we measure that? We are going to experiment with a method called RPE or Rate of Perceived Exertion.
RPE may be the most versatile method to measure exercise intensity for all age groups. This rating relies on how hard you feel you’re exerting yourself during exercise.
The scale rates how you feel (both physically and mentally) as it relates to the intensity level. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, with the recommended RPE of 5-7 for most adult workouts. This means that at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working “somewhat hard”, nearing “hard”. Using the RPE works well because it is individualized based on your current fitness level and overall perception of exercise.
1 Rest
2 Very light
3 Light
4 Fairly light
5 Somewhat hard
7 Hard (heavy)
8.5 Very hard
9.5 Extremely hard
10 Maximal exertion
For your blog this week I want you to think about some of the drawbacks to using this method of measuring intensity in a workout. List one of the drawbacks in your response and explain your reasoning.
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3 years ago
One drawback to the RPE method is the variable energy levels of the person. If the person is fairly tired, they will rate a lighter intensity with a higher RPE and when they are energetic, they would rate higher intensities a lower RPE. This creates differences between workouts and gives higher benefit to a workout during a period of high energy and lower benefit to a period of low energy. Furthermore, muscular soreness can also change the RPE enough to affect the benefit of the workout
"Furthermore, muscular soreness etc."
that was me I forgot to sign my name my bad
-Victor Peng
Great point Victor! I had not even thought about that angle. It is true that people's energy levels spike throughout the day and those times vary from person to person.
Great Post
One Drawback to the RPE method is the amount of energy and time a person is going to put into the workout and push themselves as hard as they can for as long as they can, until they just cant go anymore. I believe that if you are in an advanced weight lifting class your RPE should not be below a 7. I push myself as hard as I can for as long as i can, and learn the proper form as im going along. - Zach Latter
A drawback of the RPE method is that the exertion is perceived. This makes it so that there is never a constant rate from person to person, or from workout to workout. Also, the RPE will change from different points in the workout based on how tired the person has become.
One drawback to the RPE method is the kind of pace during a workout that your body isn't used to. The RPE during your work out will not always be where you want it to be. All of it depends on the mood, soreness and energy of the body.
-Steven Rubin
one drawback is that you could work really hard for very little time and near hard but not actually do very much work like maxing out.
if u do one rep of ur max each day u will not get any stronger
alex dunlop
One drawback of the RPE method is that the scale is broad. The scale is left to interpretation. Two people of similar strength could rate the same workout at different levels.
-Zachary Canter
another drawback to the RPE method is that the intensity might be percieved differently based on the persons varying energy levels day to day.
Andrew Comis
one drawback is that rpe doesnt factor in how tired you are. if you workout everyother day with a very high intensity you will get more tired and then you will need to use a lower intensity
Another problem is that the system is noty specific enough. When you are working out you aren't going to think about difference between extremely hard and hard. You will think "i am straining to get this weight up" and think that you are pushing hard. My suggestion is to make it a scale of 1-5, with more obvious destinction between levels.
Brett Barkley
a drawback to the rpe method is that some people interpret a percentage of a workout differently, such as two people may be told to do a workout at 70% and the two would do it at different rates and intensitys because they have different levels of working out, soreness, or lazyness
gordie gold i forgot to post my name on my blog and i dont know if it went through or not
a drawback of the rpe method is that two people may interpret a workout differently when told to work at a certain rate such as 70%. This is a drawback because the two people could be the same strength, but still work at different levels because one of them could be hard working and the other may be sore or lazy
- gordie gold
One of the drawbacks of the RPE workout is that as you approach the hardest part of your workout, mentally you start to think yourself as getting tired, and performance eventually dips. At least for me, I have to remind myself that I could try harder if I wanted to, like if I'm running a 200 at 60% I have to remember this isn't full speed. I think you get more of a benefit knowing that you gave your entire effort, and work towards mental toughness and not complacency.
a major draw back is the energy the person is putting in to the work out. if that week is at intensity level 8-9 after the first few days their muscles will be dead later on in the week and wont be able to go at the intensity rate that they should be because the lactic acid build up in their muscles is to much from the work outs is to much and they need to give them a time to rest and they need to work the lactic acid out but they wont be albe to because of the intensity that they should be preforming at.
Jason Senter
One Rpe Drawback is the amount of effort and motivation you want to put into the workout you are doing. If you have the right mind set and you put a good amount of effort it should ranged near or past 7. You always have to pace yourself as you are working out to keep up your stamina and effort.
-Kyung Hyun
Riell Swann Pd.#7
One drawback to the RPE method is the amount of strain that your body isnt used to.When your in a high level weight training class like advanced then you level of energy shouldnt be below a 7.But in many cases its not just the strain that the body isnt used to but the body also may not be used to the amount of exercise that your forcing on your body,you see its easy to just sit down and do absolutely nothing but the body may not be used to working which is what some may not be used to.(sorry I keep on forgeting to do the blog,I ope you wont count this one as late.)
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