Thursday, April 3, 2008

Period 6 Blog #7 Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee is an invasion game. We have been focused on the net/wall game of volleyball for the past few weeks. Help me refresh my memory of some invasion game concepts that we learned early in the semester. Post one invasion game concept.


Anonymous said...

keep moving, look at the ball, and catch
eric Song

Anonymous said...

keep moving, look at the ball, and catch
eric Song

Anonymous said...

go for the ball, keep moving, and have a strong offense/dfense

~stephi Nordlander

Le Qi said...

keep moving and staying active so you will be open for a pass

Anonymous said...

an invasion game concept would be to move to open space. so for frisbee we should try to get open as much as possible.
-angela yang

Anonymous said...

move towards the frisbee and remain moving
-jing xiao

Anonymous said...

One invasion game concept that we have learned early in the semester is to always keep track of the frisbee's whereabouts and move towards its approximate area.

By the way, Eric Song and Stephanie Norlander fail.
A frisbee is not a ball, sorry. By definition (credits to, a ball is the following:

ball (noun):
1. a spherical or approximately spherical body or shape; sphere: He rolled the piece of paper into a ball.
2. a round or roundish body, of various sizes and materials, either hollow or solid, for use in games, as baseball, football, tennis, or golf.
3. a game played with a ball, esp. baseball: The boys are out playing ball.
4. Baseball. a pitched ball, not swung at by the batter, that does not pass over home plate between the batter's shoulders and knees.
5. Military.
a. a solid, usually spherical projectile for a cannon, rifle, pistol, etc., as distinguished from a shell.
b. projectiles, esp. bullets, collectively.
6. any part of a thing, esp. of the human body, that is rounded or protuberant: the ball of the thumb.
7. a round mass of food, as of chopped meat, dough, or candy.
8. Slang: Vulgar. a testis.
9. balls, Slang: Vulgar.
a. boldness; courage; brashness.
b. nonsense (often used as an interjection).
10. bolus (def. 1).
11. Horticulture. a compact mass of soil covering the roots of an uprooted tree or other plant.
12. Literary. a planetary or celestial body, esp. the earth.
13. Mathematics. (in a metric space) the set of points whose distance from the zero element is less than, or less than or equal to, a specified number.
–verb (used with object)
14. to make into a ball (sometimes fol. by up): The children were balling up snow to make a snowman.
15. to wind into balls: to ball cotton.
16. Slang: Vulgar. to have sexual intercourse with.
–verb (used without object)
17. to form or gather into a ball: When the spun sugar balls, the candy has cooked sufficiently.
18. Slang: Vulgar. to have sexual intercourse.
—Verb phrase
19. ball up, Slang. to make or become utterly confused; muddle: The records had been all balled up by inefficient file clerks.
20. ball the jack, Slang.
a. to act with speed.
b. to stake everything on one attempt.
21. carry the ball, to assume the responsibility; bear the burden: You can always count on him to carry the ball in an emergency.
22. drop the ball, to make a mistake or miss an opportunity at a critical moment.
23. keep the ball rolling, to continue or give renewed vigor to an activity already under way: When their interest lagged, he tried to keep the ball rolling.
24. on the ball,
a. alert and efficient or effective: If you don't get on the ball, you'll be fired.
b. indicating intelligence or ability: The tests show your students don't have much on the ball. The new manager has a lot on the ball.
25. play ball,
a. to begin or continue playing a game.
b. to start or continue any action.
c. to work together; cooperate: union leaders suspected of playing ball with racketeers.
26. run with the ball, to assume responsibility or work enthusiastically: If management approves the concept, we'll run with the ball.
27. start the ball rolling, to put into operation; begin: The recreation director started the ball rolling by having all the participants introduce themselves.


Now is a frisbee any one of these? If I am incorrect, please do not approach me at at school. I may be intelligent, but I am no master at debating. On a side note, has anyone watched that movie? It's called "The Great Debater." Excellent choice in my opinion.

-Alana Press

Anonymous said...

defend and attack space

David Na said...

creating space, maintaining possession of the ball, etc

Anonymous said...

get into open space, and pass to open spaces where teammates can get to

Hassaan Yousufi

Anonymous said...

make cuts and move around to get open for a possiable pass


Anonymous said...

A invasion game concept is to pay attention to where the frisbee is.

-Lydia Chou

Anonymous said...

create open space and keep moving.

Jeffrey Snyder

Anonymous said...

get open as much as possible and maintain possesion of the frisbee


Anonymous said...

invasion game concepts... always move when you dont have the frisbee, know your surroundings and try to find open space, try to make cuts

-ryan mclean

Koroush said...

Be open, Keep your eye on the ball, and communicate!

Anonymous said...

Be open, Keep your eye on the ball, and communicate with your team

Joshua Perez

Anonymous said...

keep moving and try to stay open to maintain possesion of the ball

- keera gilbert

Anonymous said...

Create space...and continue moving to get open for your teamates..and talk to them so they know where you are.

-Chris Khokhar is a G