Great SEO Advice for CrossFit Gyms
3 years ago
The purpose of this blog is for you to provide feedback on what is going on in class, as well as provide answers to questions that relate to what we are learning in class. Feel free to post your opinions,comments etc. but remember, this is a school activity so keep it clean!
Young Sung Hong
In order to maintain a possession of the ball you must:
1. Pass to your teammates. Passing saves stamina and if you are in danger, you can safely guard your ball by passing the ball to your teammates. This tactic can be used in soccer, basketball and etc
2. Get in to open spaces. This tactic is highly useful in any invasion game such as soccer, football etc. This tactic can be used to receive passes.
3. Be ready at all time. Even though the ball might not be coming toward you, there is chance that the ball will come to you. Be always ready to receive the ball, and then you’ll be able to react to it fast too. This tactic can be used in any invasion games such as handball, water polo and etc.
4. Use your agility and run in a zig-zagish line. When you have a ball and you can run, like in soccer and football, people will come after you. Using this tactic can make you avoid those pursuers.
5. Bounce the ball as short as possible. In basketball, when you bounce the ball high there are more chance of getting the ball stolen. So keep the ball as low as possible.
Casey Dowling
to maintain possesion of the ball you can:
get open to receive the ball so someone isn't holding the ball forever being crowded by the masses
pass to your team because keeping the ball and running around with it for no reason does not get much done in a game like keep away.
dodge people so it is easier to pass to your team and harder for the other team to block your throws
makes short passes because the tall people usually get your really high passes and most of the time long passes are dropped
don't make it obvious to who you are throwing it to, don't nesicarilly throw it at someone who you aren't even looking at. but dont scream and shout your teammates name...and then wait till the entire other team gets on that person to block the pass.
I am Jennifer Huang (:
Some ways to maintain possession of the ball is to...
Get into open space. This technique can be used in almost every invasion game sport like basketball, football, soccer, etc. When you get into open space, it allows ball holder to pass to you, which keeps possession of the ball on your team.
Pass the ball with speed. When you pass the ball with speed, it allows the other team to have a harder time to intercept, block, or take the ball from your team. This technique can be used in basketball and football, along with other sports, as well.
Pass to team mates quickly. Passing to team mates quickly can really help maintain possession of the ball. When you do this, it makes it harder for the other team to block where the ball is going, especially if you pass to your team mates spontaneously. This can be used in basketball and ultimate frisbee.
Be an active team member. If you are an active member on your team, and you look ready, your team mates will more likely pass to you. Also, being active will definitely help maintain possession of the ball. This will be used in basketball, ultimate frisbee, and soccer.
RUN! When you run with the ball or to an open space, it is harder for the defensive team to follow. This can be used in soccer because you run with the ball and pass the ball to other members to get a goal. Also, this can be used in football because the offensive player with the ball runs to get closer to the end zone or runs to pass the ball.
Subhradeep Datta
1. The most important thing I can do in invcasion games is create a avenue for a pass for my teammates.
2. Passing the ball is also very important because I can keep the ball moving.
3. Being constantly on the move is also a good strategy as it makes it harder for the other team to guard you.
4. Always keeping the ball on the other side of the person defendig. For example in soccer if a person is attacking from the left the ball should be on my right foot.
5. The last thing is that you should run after the ball when no one has possion of it.
Lauren Celine
1. make sure your teammate is open before you pass to them
2. DONT PASS IT TO THE OTHER TEAM!!!!!!!!! gah. >_<
3. get open
4. trick people. (the other team) make them think you're running the other way or something
5. don't hold the ball forever. Just touch it and get rid of it.
1. Pass- Soccer, Basketball
2. Move a lot- Tennis
3. Get close to goals- Basketball
4. Be Open for Passing- Handball
5. Avoid the other team- Football
Kevin Liao
Allen Zhou
To maintain possession of the ball you can:
1. Getting into an open space-you can easily receive passes and even score. Can be used in any sport such as basketball and football
2. Be prepared-you might have a chance to either receive, steal, or score. Can be used in any sport such as basketball and soccer
3. Passing-your team will have a higher chance of having the ball for a long period because not only one person has the ball. Can be used in any sport such as basketball and soccer
4. Keeping control of the ball-if you are able to control the ball, then your opponents will have a hard time trying to steal the ball. Can be used in any sport such as basketball
5. Agility-when you run with the ball (while keeping control), your opponents will have more trouble of getting the ball from you
Teresa Turmanian
1) Get into open space;you must try to get open all the time so your teamates can pass to you and won't have the ball stolen from them. This is useful in soccer, basketball,etc.
2) Pass to teamates; passing to your teammates allows you to get the ball away from you opponents if you are being closed in on by the other team. this is also used in soccer.
3)Keep the ball colose to your body; this makes it much harder for your oppponetes to steal the ball away. this is used in basketball, foottball etc.
4)Move around when you have the ball;this also makes it much harder for your oppnents to steal the ball and is used in football,soccer basketball etc.
5)Stay alert; if your not paying attention to the game around you your teammates could pass to you and you won't see it so an opponet could steal the ball.
1. Make good decisons-this helps because you obviously want to pass the ball to someone wide open instead of someone with a defender guarding them such as football, basketball, soccer, etc.
2. Get open my moving into open space- this allows the teammates to get better targets and opportunities to score. All sports except baseball apply to this rule.
3.Keep your eye on the ball- you want to let the passer know you are ready to catch the ball so he/she can pass to you.
4. Know where your teammates are- if you are being double-teammed or trapped, you want to have an outlet or someone to pass to or else you might lose the ball.
5. Keep the ball constantly moving- if you hold the ball for too long, then defenders might be able to steal the ball, but when the ball is moved quickly from side to side, then it tires the defense out.
Eddie Tsao
1)get into open space
getting into open space helps your teammate easily pass the ball to you and since you are in open space there are few defenders near you thus making it easy to score.
(soccer, basketball)
when you run in unexpected ways, it is harder for your opponent to catch you and take the ball away so it is better to NOT run in a straight line.
(soccer, football, basketball)
3)pay attention
it is important to watch the game and the ball at ALL times. That way you are prepared to receive the ball and try to score or pass.
(soccer, basketball, softball)
Many sports are team sports that means you are in a team not by yourself so you should act like you are in a team. Don't try to score by yourself, chances of scoring is higher when you pass and let other team member have a chance with the ball.
(basketball, soccer)
it is important to have good skill. Be able to maintain procession of the ball by good use of dribbling. That way when an opponent tries to take the ball from you, you can skillfully maneuver away from him/her.
(soccer, basketball)
---Victoria Xu
1. in basketball pass to open teammates basketball don't lob passes or else they would get picked off basketball jump for the rebound so you have a better chance of getting the ball
4. in football make short passes
so that you can make easy catches basketball move around so it's easier to get open
Brandon Wong
1.) Open Space - getting in open space is used to create a wider playing field, more passing options, and a more difficult situation for the defense to dominate. Getting into open space is used in soccer, basketball, and football.
2.)Movement - this tatic is used in football and basketball and when the player does not have the ball they are constantly moving and making attacking runs in front of the ball to to take defenders out of position and recieve the ball in a safer manner.
3.)Set positions - having known positions keeps the game moving becasue everyone knows where they are supposed to be and what their job is and there is no confusion. this tatic keeps the team organized and the game runnig smoothly. This tatic is used in really every invasion game sport from soccer to ultimate frisbee.
4.)Being ready - having players ready and focused on the game helps your team maintain posession because everyone will be ready to recieve a pass and be aware of what is going on around them so the defense will not get a chance to get the ball. This is used football, soccer, basketball and etc.
5.)Passing - passing to teammates is a useful tatic becase when you are in trouble you can pass to your teammates and get out of that situation and passing often switches up the game and can catch the defense by surprise and they may not be ready. This tatic is used in waterpolo,basketball,handball, and etc.
Madeleine Mietus
Nicolas Texier
To maintain possession of the ball you have to:
1. Cut to the open space. Cutting to open spaces makes it easier for you to be passed the ball without it being stolen. Basketball players do this.
2. Don't hold onto the ball for a long time. Holding onto the ball too long can make it harder to pass it after because you will have too many defenders on you. Basketball players do this.
3. Always pay attention. By not paying attention you could be passed the ball without knowing and not catch, therfore giving the ball to the opposing team. Basketball players do this.
4. Passing to teammates. Is the number one thing someone can do to avoid having the ball stolen. Passing throws off the defenders because they run to one guy and then its passed to a teammate all the way on the other side and then they have to run to the other guy. They do this in Basketball.
5. Always move around. If your always moving then it makes it harder for the opponent to defend you, and allows you to get open as well. They do this in Soccer.
i am enjoying the invasion games period where we can play football, ultimate frisbe, and basketball and i am good in football,basketball, but i need to work on ultimate frisbe
i am enjoying the ivasion games period and my strengths are football and basketball but my weakness is ultimate frisbe.
Heza M
Evan Rindler
1. get into good available space. in fooball the quaterback should pass to a place where you are and that is beneficial to the team. if you are twenty yards behind the line of scrimage or in the middle of defenders than you are in the wrong place.
2. move off the ball. once you pass to some one in ultimate frisbee, you should run ahead or slightly behind them so they can throw it to you when they need assistance. just because you pass that doesn't mean that your work is done.
3.make crisp and appropriate passes. in basketball, a sport with several different passes, choosing the right one in a situation can help determine if the ball is caught. also the timing and strength of the throw help.
4. have a direction. in soccer, one person holding onto the ball isn't enough. make passes to try to move the ball into the goal during the time that you have the ball. running down the clock doesn't work withou taa lead, a lead that can be gotten by keeping goals in mind.
5. play hard defense. the easiest way in basketball, soccer, football, etc. to get the ball from the other team is to force a turn over due to viligilant defensive play. when you don't have the ball, your actions can still help you get it and keep it.
Mayya Agapova
To maintain order and possession of the ball, you must:
1. Get open, so you can pass the ball to your teammates. It will be harder for you to act solo and it won't show good sportsmanship.
2. Pass to your teammates. It would give an advantage to scoring, showing good teamwork and showing off your abilities :)
3. Use your physical abilities as much as possible. It would benefit you and your team so you can kick, shoot, throw or whatever better.
4. Be ready. Don't just stand around or talk with others. A teammate might be looking ahead or passing to you and you wouldn't be paying attention. As a result, you could let your team down or hurt hurt...
5. Do your best! Whenever you are playing a sport, you should always try hard so next time you can improve and feel good about yourself! :)
in order to mantian possetion of the ball u must:
1. Keep the ball moving
2. Keep u and ur teammates moving
3. Evade and trick defenders
4. Make good throws
5. Try short passes rather than hail mary's
ZaCh HoDeS
To maintain possession of the ball, you can do many things.
1. Make sure you are open and that no people from the other team are near you when you ask someone to pass. This can be used in any sport.
2. Don't keep the ball to yourself. Pass the ball to your team. This makes it harder for the other team to get it, and it's more efficient. Sometimes it's necessary, like in football.
3. Don't stand there and do nothing. If you don't do anything in any sport, the other team will realize and won't cover you anymore. Then your team won't do well.
4. Don't do the same play in football everytime. After the first couple times, the other team will figure out what you are doing.
5. Make sure the whole team knows what they specifically are supposed to do. In any sport, this is very useful, because if someone doesn't know what they're doing they will mess up.
-Antara Joardar
to mantain possestion of the ball you can...
Get in to open area this enables you to have a higher chance of catching the ball this will obviouslyhelp your team in many sports such as basketball, football, ultimate frisbee
The next usful thing to do would be to pass to others this will not only help you maintain stamina but also give you a varioty of was to get to the other side when playing soccer, and hocky,
The next thing that will help is skills such as speed, speed is need when the ball is in your hands and it's a sport where you must take the ball to the other side such as foot ball
But when running you should not run straight into the defencive team you must quickly menuver your body into different directions to doge the ball this is called agility
Lastly ...
Keep an eye out for your teamates, it's good to know there are people out there that can help youget to the goal, you are not alone and you also might look like a jerk, so you need team work in games that involve teams
- Luke moon
Willis Ibeh:)
To maintain possession of the ball you must:
1.Be unselfish and pass to your teammates-by passing to your teammate it increases the possession of the ball and you and your teammates play keep away from the other team.This tactic can be used in basketball and soccer.
2.Have agility and endurance while game is in motion-this tactic can be used in soccer, basketball and hockey.
3.You should pass the ball with speed-you can maintain possession by passing the ball fast which will decrease the chances of the other teams to steal the ball.
4.Be Ready-you can maintain possession of the ball by being aware of what is going on in the game so the defence doesn't get a chance to take it away.This tactic can be used in basketball, soccer and football.
5.Being in the open space-you can maintain possession of the ball by creating a lot of space to spread the court or field so you have time to think of what to do.This tactic can be used in football, basketball and soccer
jessica yarvin
you have to move to open space so you can recieve the ball
you have to cut around defenders so the passer sees your open
you have to talk so yuo can hear and see where your teammate it
don't give up on defense because with no defense tehre would be no offense
Philip Ni-
I can quickly get to the ball, maneuver around my apponents and obstacles, and accuratley pass the ball to my team-mates in order to get a pass in and score points. I can also support the ball carrier by blocking the opponent and rebounding the ball.
Stay open for a pass, Help guard your team mates, Pass to your team mates so everyone gets a chance, Spread out because you wont get anywhere with all your team members in one place, Move around for a pass because if you stay in the same place your not going anywhere, and if you have the chance to get the ball go for it dont hesitate thats not helping anyone.
-Emily Corcoran (:
u have to get open as much as possible
also u have to pass to teamates, not just think u can single handedly defeat the other team
also u have to cooperate and make plays with your teamates
oops i need 2 more
you also have to catch the ball if it is thrown to you
and keep your eye on the ball
1. move to open space - it makes it easier for your teammates to pass you the ball. soccer, bball, football
2. dont force the ball - if you try to force a pass, it obviously isnt a smart pass. soccer, bball, football
3. make runs off the ball - this way your teammates have options and it makes it harder for the opponent to guard you. soccer, bball
4. dont hold the ball for too long - if you hold it too long then the defense will make it harder for you to pass. soccer, bball
5. keep the ball moving - this tires out the defense and if you keep moving the ball you will eventually have a good shot. soccer, bball
Evelyn Ting
Lauren Celine
I forgot to say what sport to use it in
Field hockey
1. pass to open teammates for basketball and football
2. jump for the rebound in basketball ready at all times for the ball basketball, football
4. move to get open basketball football
5.don't lob passes or else they will get picked off basketball
Brandon Wong
1)Pass the ball-soccer and basketball. Passing keeps the ball away from the other team.
2)Get open-football and soccer. Staying open will allow you to pass and receive the ball easier.
3)Stay alert-ultimate frisbee and water polo. You never know when someone will pass the ball to you and it's usually better to catch it then to drop the ball.
4)Watch the ball-handball and basketball. It's good to know where the ball is and where it's going.
5)Speed and agility-football and basketball. You can use speed and sgility to get out of some tight spaces and move into an open space to score a point or pass the ball.
-Isabelle Ku
to keep possesion of the ball you can:
1) get into an open space. You could use it in soccer.
2)pass the ball to your teamates. You could use it in soccer, again.
3) Be moving or on your toes at all time. You could use it in baseball.
4)Dont move in straight line. You could use it in football.
5) Trick the other teams players. You could use it in basketball.
--Nisha :)
Philip Ni-
To maintain possesion of the ball, I can:
1) passing to your team mates
2) catching a rebound (for basketball)
3) support the ball carrier by getting into an open space
4) keeping an eye on the ball and my surroundings
5) keeping my feet moving at all times to out maneuver my opponents
Irene Yang:
1. pass to teammates: saves a lot of energy and makes the opposing team run more. basketball
2. get open: prevents one teammate for holding the ball too long and getting swarmed by opponents. basketball
3. be ready (all the time) won't get hit by the ball, and you won't get it in the way. volleyball
4. guard the opponents (when on defense) makes it harder for them to score. soccer
4. ball controll. won't accidentally lose the ball to the opponents. soccer
5. talk to your teammates. miscommunications is often how silly points are lost. volleyball
to maintain possesion of the ball..
you move to an open space to get away from pressure-soccer, basketball, football
you pass to teammates. use short passes and pass to an open player-soccer and basketball
be alert. keep your head in the game- all sports
use fake-outs like turns. make your body go one way and the ball go the other to trick your opponents- all sports
---Kelsey Miner
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