Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Period 2 Blog #8 Basketball

We have been working on the invasion game of basketball this past week. List for me one invasion game concept, or one cue that I used to present an invasion game concept in class.


Anonymous said...

Lauren Celine
Block the other teams players and play good defense so they have a more difficult time getting the ball or passing the ball to another teammate

Anonymous said...

Young Sung Hong

One of the invasion concept that you have presented in the class is defensive pass. Defensive pass is when a person throws a ball to thier teammates in order to safely guard their ball. One of the tatics of a defensive ball is deny-the-ball which is keeping the possession of the ball by passing the ball to the teamates and stopping other team from getting the possession of the ball.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Huang (:

In basketball or any invasion game it is important to block the other teammates so it is harder for them to pass the ball, which might lead to a score.

Anonymous said...

give and go

Evelyn Ting

Anonymous said...

One of the invasion game concepts is attacking the goal, this means you should get close to the goal/basket and try to score as much as possible.

Kevin Liao

Anonymous said...

Helena H.
There were many different concepts presented during our invansion games unit. One of the main concepts of an invasion game such as basketball is that one team is trying to maintain possesion of the ball while the other team is defending and trying to prevent the offensive team from moving the ball down the field and scoring a basket.

One of the specific concepts is setting a pick in basketball. Setting a pick is a way to give the shooter an open shot in which the offensive team blocks the defensive team so that the defensive team cannot block the shooter from scoring. This is one of the specific plays used in an invasion game.

Anonymous said...

Casey Dowling

In basket ball, fast movement and not holding the ball for very long helps alot. Also when you pass the ball you want to get open for a team mate to make an easy shot or pass to you.

Anonymous said...

drive to the basket to get a closer shot

Brandon Wong

Anonymous said...

Evan Rindler
Defensively, you told us to always keep your body between the ball and the basket (when your man has the ball). you also taught us to pick a man and stay with them and guard them well so they can't get passed to or score. Offensively you taught us the give and go, where you pass the ball and then cut inwards to receive a pass back.

Anonymous said...

Allen Zhou

Person person defense. It makes it more difficult for the other team to pass and move along the court.

Anonymous said...

Man to man defense and deny the other opponent when they do not have the ball so it's more difficult to make points.

Eddie Tsao

Anonymous said...

Kristopher Neild

defensively, denying the pass is a great way to stop the opposing team from scoring because if they cant get the ball then they cant score

Anonymous said...

give and go - makes you open, confuses the defense
deny the ball - keeps the opponent from getting the ball
screens - makes you or your teammate open
attack the basket - its easier to score closer to the basket

Evelyn Ting

Anonymous said...

One invasion game concept is offense. One cue is the pick where you prevent the defender from trying to stop your teammate.
--Victoria Xu

Anonymous said...

One invasion game concept is getting into open space so that members of your team can pass to you and allow you to score without the other team intercepting it. The free space allows you to dribble to the basket without as much interference, and being in an open space gives you time to think what to do next.

-Antara Joardar

Anonymous said...

get open as much as possible and make good passes

eddy yang

Anonymous said...

you taught us the give and go
Zach Hodes

Anonymous said...

One invasion game concept for basketball is to attack the basket. This means to get in close in order to score a basket.

-Isabelle Ku

Anonymous said...

Teresa Turmanian
One concept you presented in class was ball- you - basket. If you keep yourself between the person trying to score and the net it is much harder for them to score.

Anonymous said...

give and go.

madeleine mietus

Anonymous said...

Johnny Stopher

Man on man defense. This is helpful yet not stressed enough on my team. If every person is covered, there is nobody to pass to and the only option left is shooting... which can be problematic.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Nozick:

Moving to open space is extremely important because it allows you to pass the ball around to your teammates and buys you time to think.
Also, i did blog #7, and you did not give me credit. Can you please change that? Thanks...

Anonymous said...

Philip Ni-

One of the skills you have taught us is the pick. It prevents one person from the opposite team from passing to another team-mate or recieving a the ball.

Anonymous said...

get open by moving a lot/tricking the person who's guarding you

irene yang

Anonymous said...

Zac Mason

one concept you talked about was defending the goal with man to man or person to person defense

Anonymous said...

One concept for defense is to keep the yourself between the basket and the offense. The give and go is an effective offensive play that can confuse the defense.
-Priya Kareddy

Anonymous said...

Luke moon-
for basketball i:
Blocked to prevent the other team from getting to the goal point

passing- to have a better chance of getting to the goal with less people blocking you.

Anonymous said...

Mayya Agapova

One invasion game concept is getting open so that members of your team can pass to you and allow you to score. The free space allows you to get to the basket without interference of the other team, and being in an open space gives you time.

Anonymous said...

Jake Morris
Its in portant to block and pass. Blocking is good so the other team feels pressured and misses a pass or shot or maybe it gets blocked. Passing is good so everyone gets a chance to play and he other team cant block

Anonymous said...

Nicolas Texier

One of the invasion concepts that you presented in class was setting a pick for your teammate. Setting a pick allows your teammate an open passage to the basket because when you're setting a pick the offensive player blocks with his body standing still the defensive player that is after the other offensive player.

Anonymous said...

Willis Ibeh

One concept that has been presented to us in class is the give and go. This concept will help people score more baskets once they know how to master it.

Anonymous said...

make sure you defend the players on the other team. if they cant pass it they cant go anywhere and cant score. and when you have the ball make sure you pass it to keep possesion and move around.

-Emily Corcoran

Anonymous said...

give it and go, if you keep moving you will get the ball down the court and score.

-Emily Corcoran

Anonymous said...

lauren celine (again)
ok so im too lazy to look up your email in the assignment book or website or whatever so im just going to write here. even though i dont know if youre still going to check this blog. anyway.
Is creatine good or bad? cause i've heard different things from different people and i was just wondering. and does it really just fill your muscles with water so they look bigger? what does it do?
and alsoooo. what is whey? (spelling?) that supplement thing. what does that do? ummm. i dont know how you're going to reply to this but i guess if you actually read it tell me in class. thanks. and sorry for like writing you an essay on here


Anonymous said...

when is the next blog?
