Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Period #3 Weight Training Rest

We talked last blog about the importance of proper post workout nutrition and stated it was one of three important factors in your training program. Rest and recovery is the third factor important to a sound fitness program. For this weeks blog, I want you to define the term CORTISOL and explain it's effects on the body and how we can help rid ourselves of it.


Anonymous said...

Cortisol is the stress hormone that is released into the bloodstream after a stressful event or in our case, heavy lifting. Cortisol makes us have impaired cognitive performance, suppressed thyroid function, blood sugar imbalances, lowered immunity, and decreased bone density and muscle tissue. It is necessary that we rid ourselves of excess cortisol and return the body to its normal functions. Some forms of stress management include yoga, listening to music, self-hypnosis, breathing exercises, meditation, easy exercise, and sex.

-Max Simon

Anonymous said...

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. It helps restore homeostasis after stress and counteracts insulin. Relaxing activities can help rid the body of excess cortisol.

-Conrad Austen

Anonymous said...

It is a hormone in the body that regulates many important features. in small amounts it can give a quick burst of energy for survival reasons.

Heightened memory functions

A burst of increased immunity

Lower sensitivity to pain

Helps maintain homeostasis in the body

Ways to rid your body of cortisol are, listining to music, excersising, yoga and Meditation
-Aaron Fensterheim

Anonymous said...

Cortisol is a kind of stress hormone in which helps regulate blood pressure and cardiovascular function. It also helps regulate the use of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the body. Its primary function is to increase the amino acid supply to the liver. One of the largest factors that can affect the release of cortisol in the body is stress. Working out like we do in class releases cortisol because if you don't allow enough recovery time between your workouts, cortisol is going to cause many problems to yourself.

-Steven Rubin

MitchRampp said...

Cortisol is the hormone released from the adrenal glands in response to stress or low blood glucose. This makes us have blood sugar imbalances, lowered immunity, and a decrease in musscle tissue. We have to control this response to stress, by deep breathing, relaxing, doing soft exercises and doing things you love.

MitchRampp said...

Cortisol is the hormone released from the adrenal glands in response to stress or low blood glucose. This makes us have blood sugar imbalances, lowered immunity, and a decrease in musscle tissue. We have to control this response to stress, by deep breathing, relaxing, doing soft exercises and doing things you love.

Anonymous said...

Cortsol is a stress hormone tta is released by the brain after a strenuous situation or exercise and it can increase blood pressure and heartrate. excess cortisol can lead to elevated stress levels and so we must rid our selves of it. This can be done through various ways, such as breathing exercises and ga to calm the body down.
-Matt Scherer

Anonymous said...

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released in the presence of an intense stimuli. We achieve this in our lifts. It will inhibit protein synthesis and the transport of the amino acids from the proteins. This means we do not receive the full benefit of the workout. After about an hour of intense lifting, the body has a spike in cortisol levels. In order to deter this from ever happening, we should keep workouts as short as possible. Since it is inevitable to raise your levels at some point, we must have a way to get rid of some. This can be achieved best through sleep but just relaxation will help.

-Jack Corbett

Anonymous said...

Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland. It is also known as the stress hormone since it is response to stress. Bascially this hormone helps restore homeostasis after stressfull actions.

This hormone can be found after intense lifts which decreases amino acid uptake by muscle, and inhibiting protein synthesis. Therefore our musscle ack more and takes longer to rebuild afterward.

We can alive ourselves if this hormone by having rest days,relaxing and other ways.

-David S.

Anonymous said...

Cortisol is hormone produced by the adrenal gland. It is a stress hormone in response to stress. It increases blood pressure, blood sugar, and reduces immune responses. Non-stressful activities will rid you of this.

Andrew Yi