Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Period 5 P.E. Blog #3 Striking and Fielding

Blog Due: Monday September 15, 2008


We are starting a Stiking and Fielding after track and field. A Striking and Fielding sport is one in which one team is an offensive team and is stiking an object towards a defensive team which is fielding the ball. The offensive team stays offensive and defensive team stays defensive until a switch occurs such as the middle or end of the inning.

In order to better understand the concepts being explained in class, please take a moment and define 3 of the following terms:

Pop Fly
Force Out
Double Play
Triple Play
Fielders Choice
Infield Fly Rule (extra credit)
Cutoff Man
Backing up a Base
Tagging Up
1st and 3rd base coach
Ground Rule Double
Out Of Play


Anonymous said...

A pop fly is a fly ball that goes very high while not traveling very far laterally.

A ground rule double is when the batter hits a ball that lands in the field of play, then bounces over the wall. The batter is awarded two bases.

A walk is when the batter accumulates four balls before he gets three strikes. After the fourth ball, the batter is awarded first base.
-Randy Steinberg

Anonymous said...

Infeild Fly Rule- baseball- if there is an infield pop fly the runner can advance instead of waiting to tag up.

Double Play-baseball- when you get the lead off runner and the batter out in one play.

Tagging Up-baseball- when there is a pop fly in the out field the player goes halfway to the base but then if the ball is caught he has to run back to the base. After that the player can try to advance to the next base.

Feilders Choise-baseball- When there is more than one player going to the bases the feilder decides which player to get out, preferably the lead runner.

Frances Lasday

Anonymous said...

Foul- when the batter hits the baseball but the ball flies out of bounds of the foul line.

Walk- after the pitcher throws 4 bad pitches (balls,) the batter gets to go to the next base.

Double Play- when the ball is hit and then the batter is able to run to 2 bases.
-Christopher Chan

Unknown said...

fielders choice-
(ex.) when there is a man on first and second, and the person fielding the ball has a choice to throw to first, second or third.

force out-
(ex.) when there is a man on first, and the batter hits the ball. All the fielder has to do is step on first or second.

infield fly rule-
when there is a man on first, and the batter hits a pop up in the infield. The batter is automatically out so that the fielder can't "accidentally" drop the ball and make a double play.-less than 2 outs

-Daniel Hamburg

Anonymous said...

pop-fly: a short, high-fly ball
foul: A ball that lands outside the first or third base foul lines.
walk: An award given to the batter after the pitcher delivers 4 balls. If a hitter receives 4 balls during an at bat, they automatically advance to first base.

alyssa hochberg

Anonymous said...

Pop fly- In baseball, when a pitcher pitches the ball and the batter hits it with the top part of the bat (when it is at a horizontal angle) and the ball goes into the air with a high arc. This type of hit does not go very far, and is easy to catch.

Foul-When the batter hits the ball to the right of the right field line (designated by home plate and the right foul pole) or to the left of the left field line (designated by home plate and the left foul pole). the degree measure between the two foul lines is 90 degrees.

Force out- when a fielder throws to a base where a runner is going to, and if the runner has another runner going to the base that he just came from, he has to go to the next base, assuming the runner going to the base that the first runner had is also forced. If the ball gets to the base that the forced runner is going to, than the forced runner is out.

(Extra Credit Term)Infield fly rule- when the batter hits a pop up to the infield when there are a minimum of two forced runners already on bases. If this happens the batter gets called out and the play is dead. The reason that this is implimented is because if the fielder drops it, the runners are now forced and it would lead to an easy double play, since they would have a small lead because if he catches it and they are off the base, they have to get back to the base that they were just on before the ball gets there. If catches it, the runners have to tag up. If the runners have a small lead, than the fileder would drop it to get the easy double play. If the runners have a large lead, or are even already running to the base, he could catch it and get them on the tag.

Bryce Weisberger

Anonymous said...

Double play: When 2 players are called out on the same play, Triple Play: When 3 players are called out on the same play, Pop Fly: When the batter hits the ball in the air for an out.
-Chris Scheible period 5

Anonymous said...

Stealing-when offfensive team losses ball and deffensive team takes the ball.
infield fly rule- when an easy pop fly comes to a infielder umpire can call this rule which automatically declares kicker out even if infielder has not caught ball
Double play-two outs at once

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kirk forgot to put name on 1st comment recieved,has double play,infield fly rule, and stealing

Jordan Gutierrez

Anonymous said...

force out-getting an out on a team by touching the base before a runner can get to and the runner cannot return to the other back because someone is already there

double play-getting two players out in one play

triple play-getting 3 players out on one play

amber chen!

Unknown said...

not sure if this is what im supposed to be doing but......

double play-when an offensive player reaches second base on any base hit

triple play-when an offensivee player reaches thirdbase on any base hit

force out-when an offensive player can no longer tag a base because the bases in front and behind him have been tagged, or if the runner has not yet reached first base the ball can be thrown to first base to get a force out.

Anonymous said...

walk- if a pitcher throws 4 bad pitches (balls) then the batter gets to walk to the next base automatically

foul- if a batter hits a ball and it lands outside of the foul line on the field then it is a foul ball

stealing- is if a batter gains a base without the help of a batter

infield fly rule (extra credit)- it prevents a defensive team from purposely dropping or not catching an infield fly with the intension of trying to turn a double play.

- Christiana Morrow

Anonymous said...

Bunting - this is an offensive technique used in baseball and it is when the batted lightly taps the ball in.

Triple Play- This is when there are three outs all in the same play.

Pop Fly- a ball that is hit and goes high but not very far.

-Milad Gharagozloo

Anonymous said...

foul is when the ball is out of the foul line afer being hit

Pop fly = short in distance but high in height

stealing: defense gets the ball from the offensive player (not sure, i hope it is a pretty good guess :D )

Charles Sheung

Anonymous said...

Leading- Begining to advance to the next base before the pitch is thrown

Sacrifice- A bunt, instead of smacking the ball the hitter holds out the bat and lets the ball hit it so it doen't go ver far, this allows the runners to get in good scoring position

Rundown- also called a pickle, is a situation that occurs when the baserunner is stranded between two bases. When the base runner attempts to advance to the next base, he is cut off by the defensive player who has a live ball and attempts to return to his previous base before being tagged out. As he is doing this, the defenseman throws the ball past the base runner to the previous base, forcing him to reverse directions again. This is repeated until the runner is put out or reaches a base safely

-Jamie Ertel

Anonymous said...

walk: be allowed to walk to first base from home after not swinging at four balls pitched outside the strike zone
double play: a defensive play where 2 runners are put out
triple play: a defensive play where 3 runners are put out

-Abby Stauffer

Unknown said...

Pop Fly:a high fly ball hit to the infield or immediately beyond it that can easily be caught before reaching the ground

Triple Play: a play in which three put-outs are made.

Double Play: a play in which two putouts are made.

~Lillian Gao

Unknown said...

Infield fly rule: before trying to advance, the runner must touch the base they occupy after the ball is caught.

Bunt: A short hit, letting the ball hit the bat (not swinging.) Used to surprise the fielders or to advance a runner.

Double Play: Defensive play where two base runners are called out.

Steal: Trying to advanc to the next base between pitches, when the batter has not hit the ball yet.


Anonymous said...

a double play is when two putouts are made
a rundown is a play in which a runner is trapped between bases and is pursued by fielders attempting to make the tag.
a pop fly is a hit that goes waaayyyy up high but it lands very close to where it was first hit.
suzy mejia buenano

Anonymous said...

force out is when a player is forced out by the oposing time

double play is when two out in one turn

triple is when three out in one turn

Chris Wu

Anonymous said...

force out is when a player is forced out on first

double paly is when 2 players are out

triple play is the same just with 3

Anonymous said...

Fielders Choice-On a hit, an infielder or outfielder can choose which runner to throw out.
Double Play-2 runners are thrown or tagged out at the same time.
Walk-4 pitches are thrown out of the strike zone and the batter is awarded first base.

Anonymous said...

Leading is when you take a couple steps off the base so that you have a head start when running to the next base.

A triple play is when the out feild gets three outs in one play.

Bunting is when you tap the ball so that it goes very short and with no spin. - Daniel Delgado

Anonymous said...

Double Play is when two outs are made in one at bat

Triple Play is when three outs are made in one at bat, also it ends the half of the inning

Fielders Choice when there is a groundball and the feilder can choose to throw to any base where there is a force out

Infield Fly Rule is when there is a popup that stays in the infeild and whether its caught or not the batter is out, so that the player cant let the ball drop to get the runner on a different base
-ben alkon

Anonymous said...

Walk-Its when a pitcher throws 4 balls and sends the batter to first and you can also be walked by getting hit by the ball.

Stealing-its when a runner advances to the next base right after the pitch is thrown and before the batter swings

Sacrifice- its when a there is a man on base and the batter hits short ball to send the runner to next base and the sacrifices him self by getting out. Also, there is sacrifice fly. Thats when there is a man on third and you purposely hit a fly ball into the outfield to send the runner home and to sacrifice your self out.
--Vivek Raman Period 5

Anonymous said...

A double play is when two runners are called out in the same play.

A walk is when a batter recieves 4 balls, so he gets to 'walk' to first base.

Bunting is when the batter just lets the ball hit the bat, instead of swinging the bat at the ball.
-Ben Killion

Anonymous said...

Foul Ball- the ball is hit out of bounds
Double play- two outs in one play
Walk- when a batter gets hit by the pitch, or is thrown four balls they automatically get to go to first base
-Allie Newsom

Anonymous said...

1st and 3rd base coach: Coaches from the offensive team that tell players on 1st and 3rd base whether to go home or steal.
Walk: When the pitcher throws 4 balls - The batter automatically goes to 1st base.
Double Play: When the batter groundsout and the defensive team also gets out the leadoff runner

Anonymous said...

~A Walk is when the pitcher throws four balls and the batter is able to walk to first base.

~A Foul is when the batter hits the ball out of the boundarys.

~Bunting is when the batter taps the ball lightly so that infielders have to run towards it while they head for first base.

-Ruth Wang

Anonymous said...

um...a pop fly is.........when the batter hits the baal and it goes up really high, but doesnt go too far out.

hmm.......a walki is when the pichter messes up on his pichting 4 times so the batter gets a free base.

and....a foul is when the batter hits the ball and it goes outof bounds... Jason Vajda

Anonymous said...

A Walk is when you dont throw 4 balls, which are not strikes and there fore the batter get to go to first base.

Double Play is when you make 2 outs in one play.

Triple Play is when you make all 3 outs in one play.
-chris cornelius